使用方法:1。用吸尘器把松散的灰尘扫掉。2.使用前摇匀。3.倒一小池产品在地板上。4.用干净的布或上蜡器均匀涂抹。(不要使用海绵或海绵拖把。)保持布或涂抹器充分湿润。 Use just enough rubbing action to loosen dirt. 5. FINISH with smooth, even strokes in one direction. Use the product liberally so that the floor appears uniformly wet. 6. LET DRY. The floor will dry to a deep, rich shine in 20-30 minutes. There is no need for buffing. 7. WASH APPLICATOR in a pail of detergent solution. FIRST WAXING ONLY One Step Wax and buffing waxes don't go together. Test a small area in a corner. Apply One Step Wax as directed. If it dries dull, then the floor has a layer of old wax which must be removed as follows: a. Was a small area with a liberal amount of One Step Wax using a clean, dry cloth. b. Wipe dry immediately with a clean, dry cloth. Change cloths often to ensure complete pickup of the old wax. c. After the old wax is removed from the entire floor, apply One Step Wax as directed above. HELPFUL HINTS * Check the manufacturing instructions before waxing newly laid or recently sealed wood floors. * If your floor is worn or porous, additional applications of One Step Wax may be necessary. * Never use detergents or water on wood floors. Do not use on asphalt tile. / TO OPEN PRY OFF PRESS TO CLOSE 1. TO OPEN, INSERT COIN INTO SLOT 2. TWIST COIN TO OPEN 3. TO CLOSE, PRESS DOWN FIRMLY UNTIL CAP SNAPS CLOSED