使用:洗衣用途:1。在添加衣服之前,将3/4杯漂白剂与水混合在顶部装载16加仑机器或将1/3杯漂白剂混合在船长8加仑的机器中。对于大型顶部装载自动化或更大的污染载荷,请使用1-1 / 4杯。2.加衣服。3.用通常的周期洗涤和冲洗。不要在醋酸盐,皮革,丝绸,氨纶,羊毛和Mohair或非快速颜色上使用。去除污渍:1。用一加仑水混合1/4杯漂白剂。2.浸泡染色面积5分钟才能彻底清除草,油墨,咖啡,茶,水果等。家庭用途:清洁和除臭厨房,菜肴,水槽:1。使用1/4杯漂白剂与一夸脱的水混合浸泡清洁的菜肴,茶壶,杯子,水槽等5分钟。2.用大约1汤匙的解决方案冲洗。每加仑水的漂白剂。 Do not use on silverware. Bleach solution can be used on porcelain, enamel,etc., surfaces after cleaning. 3. let air dry. Cleaning And deodorizing bathrooms: To clean And deodorize washable surfaces such as tubs, showers, counter tops, sinks, ceramic tile And vinyl flooring, 1. spread a solution Of 1-1/2 cups Of this product per 2 gallons Of water on clean surface. 2. let stand 5 minutes, then drain. Toilet bowls: To clean and deodorize pre-cleaned toilet bowls, use 1/2 cup Of this product. 1.flush, pour in bleach - swab with brush, making sure To get under the rim. 2. let stand for 10 minutes. 3. flush. Do not use with bowl cleaners or any other household chemicals.
请放在儿童接触不到的地方。腐蚀性。含有次氯酸钠。可能导致严重的眼睛和皮肤刺激或化学烧伤的破皮。导致眼部损伤。操作本产品时,应佩戴安全眼镜和橡胶手套。处理后清洗。在通风条件下使用。急救:呼叫中毒控制中心或医生寻求治疗建议。眼睛:睁大眼睛,用清水慢慢冲洗至少15分钟。 Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eye. If on skin or clothing: take off contaminated clothing And wash skin with plenty Of water. If swallowed: do not induce vomiting unless told To do so by the poison control center or doctor. Drink large amount Of water. Do not give anything by mouth To an unconscious person. Physical And chemical hazards: strong oxidizer. Flush drains before And after use. Do not use or mix with other household chemicals, such as toilet bowl cleaners, rust removers, acid or ammonia containing products. To do so will release hazardous gases. Prolonged contact with metal such as silver may cause pitting or discoloration. Storage And disposal: keep out Of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry area away From direct sunlight and heat To avoid deterioration. Do not re-use empty container, offer empty container for recycling or discard in trash. Contains no phosphorus. Notharmful To septic tanks. Keep bottle upright And tightly capped. Always refer To packaging for the most up To date allergy information.
领先的国际认证者Peta和Leaping Bunny没有关于该公司使用动物测试的信息。