使用前仔细阅读警告、注意事项和使用说明。切勿使用刀或其他工具取下瓶盖。用两手拇指向上推瓶盖。注意事项:只适用于搪瓷,铁,不锈钢,陶瓷和玻璃表面。请勿在炉外表面使用,如铝、铬、烤漆等。请勿用于自洁烤箱。避免喷烤炉指示灯。关闭所有电器连接,如加热元件,恒温器,灯泡插座,电灯开关。隔夜清洁方法:使用前摇匀——戴长橡胶手套。在冷炉中使用。拆下烤箱架,便于使用。 Shake can vigorously And often. With can upright, pointed away From face, press button. Spray generously. Be sure all surfaces are completely covered with foam. Replace racks And spray generously if desired. In case of contact with skin, immediately flush with water, then wash with soap and water. Shut door And allow To stand overnight (minimum 6-hour period).The following morning, wipe out with damp sponge or paper towel. (Note: some pilot lights tend To dry the foam.) Oven can be readily wiped clean with a wet cloth or sponge using warm water. Directions for immediate cleaning: shake before using - wear long rubber gloves. Preheat oven to 200 F. turn oven off. Shake can vigorously And often, then spray into warm oven beginning with back panel. In case Of contact with skin, immediately flush with water, then wash with soap And water. Allow foam to remain for 5 To 10 minutes. Leave door open after applying cleaner. Heavily encrusted spots may need a second application. Wipe clean with damp cloth, sponge or paper towel. Wipe dry To RESTORE the finish.
请放在儿童接触不到的地方。危险:含有氢氧化钠(碱液)。会灼伤皮肤和眼睛。避免接触皮肤、眼睛、粘膜和衣服。如果吞食有害。避免吸入喷雾。使用时戴长橡胶手套。不要刺穿或焚烧容器。避免暴露在高温或储存在120华氏度以上的温度下,不要把罐头放在炉子上或靠近热源。避免冻结。急救:皮肤:立即冲洗,并脱下被污染的衣服,用肥皂和水彻底清洗,然后继续用水冲洗至少10分钟。 If discomfort persists, call a physician immediately. Eyes: rinse immediately, remove any contact lenses And continue flushing with water for at least 15 minutes. If discomfort persists, call physician immediately. If swallowed do not induce vomiting - rinse mouth thoroughly with water, drink water or milk. Call physician immediately. Always refer To packaging for the most up To date allergy information.
领先的国际认证机构PETA和jumping Bunny没有关于这家公司使用动物试验的信息。