请放在儿童接触不到的地方,请阅读背面的注意事项。警告:有压力的内容物/请放在儿童接触不到的地方。容器受热可能会爆炸。会刺激眼睛。不要进入眼睛,皮肤或衣服。不要摄取。不要直接喷在食物上。皮肤长期或频繁接触可能引起过敏反应。不要喷在脸上。不要刺穿或焚烧容器。 DO NOT burn. Store away from heat. DO NOT expose to heat or store at temperatures above 120ºF(49ºC), as the container may burst. FIRST AID AND TREATMENT: Contains ethyl alcohol, non-ionic surfactants and fragrance oils. If swallowed, call a Poison Control center or doctor immediately. DO NOT induce vomiting. If in eyes, rinse eyes with water. Remove any contact lenses and continue to rinse eyes for at least 15 minutes. If irritation occurs, get medical attention. If on skin, wash area with soap and water. If irritation occurs, get medical attention. Discontinue use immediately and get medical attention if a reaction develops. Wash hands after handling. NOTE TO PARENTS: Use only as directed. Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling the contents can be harmful or fatal. Help stop inhalant abuse. For more information visit www.inhalant.org.
领先的国际认证机构PETA和jumping Bunny没有关于这家公司使用动物试验的信息。