纽约时报报告称,公共卫生专家表示,新的建模方法没有声音,从未被独立科学家审查过。它忽略了EPA科学家的几十年的研究,而是依靠“毫无根据的医疗假设”,这对空气没有任何福利,这些空气也是法律所要求的空气 - 即使这些标准不仅仅基于保护健康,而且是政治和经济妥协。
“Using fake math to hide the death toll from dirty air at the behest of the coal industry is sadly consistent with the Trump administration’s complete disregard for public health,” said Olga Naidenko, Ph.D., EWG’s senior science advisor for children’s environmental health. “This sleight of hand means that more adults may die early and more children may become victims of asthma.”
The EPA’s politically appointed leadership wants to justify rolling back the Obama-era Clean Power Plan, which would have capped emissions from coal-fired power plants – a leading source of the air pollution that can trigger asthma attacks in children and lead to early deaths among adults, and intensifies climate change. EPA’s own career scientists previously estimated that the Clean Power Plan would prevent up to 4,500 premature deaths and 140,000 to 150,000 asthma attacks in children, and lead to climate and health benefits worth up to $93 billion in 2030.
取代特朗普环保局的《平价清洁能源规则》(Affordable Clean Energy Rule)将由各州决定如何或是否监管燃煤电厂的污染。预计到2030年,发电厂的二氧化碳排放量将减少区区1.5%,远低于早先提议中30%的目标。